Search Results | homo habilis

Your search for "homo habilis" returned 4 results

10 Extinct Hominids

Decades of fossil discoveries have revealed much about the extinct members of our hominid family tree, but we're far from having all the answers. What have we learned from some of these fascinating finds?

Do You Know the History of Everything?

While you may not have seen it all, you can definitely learn it all. From the beginning of the universe as a whole to where we stand today, do you think you have the knowledge of everything that has ever happened? Then prove that you could recite it all by taking the quiz!

How did language evolve?

Let's assume that long ago Homo sapiens communicated by grunting at one another. How and when did all those grunting sounds evolve into a verb tenses, clauses and proper nouns?

Name the Other Half of These Famous Historical Couples

The people who make up these historical couples were so closely intertwined that we now remember them as a pair, rather than individuals. Their names slip off the tongue together with ease, and it's hard to mention one without the other. Take our quiz to see if you can complete these matches for the ages.

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